",="" serif;="" color:="" rgba(47,="" 84,="" 150,="" 1)"=""> Our formerly great society is losing its compass, mainly because of the deception of evolution preached to our students through the last five decades.
As I.L.Cohen stated, "The theory of evolution may be the worst mistake made in science." 1
Now even Richard Dawkins, the best-known spokesman for the atheists of the world has recently admitted that the loss of Christianity would be bad for society. 2
Since Madelyn O'Hair convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to take prayer out of schools in 1963, troubles like sexually transmitted diseases, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug abuse, related crimes, over-doses, self-centeredness, and suicides haveincreased dramatically.
Although the majority say by census that they still believe in God, His image has become blurred and mostly ignored because the enforced preaching in our schools, colleges, and universities says that "evolution" is the cause of our life (so what do we need a god for). Our ancestors were apes so "who cares any more".
But wait! Our three decades of research has revealed a life-science that God has probably been using since He first created living entities including us. The science is called "atomic biology", but don't let the name scare you because the basics are simple enough for a fifth-grader to understand.
With input from 45 scholars, the essentiality for super-intelligent works is now 'proven' for creating, sustaining, maintaining, and repairing living entities, including us.
Because there is such an enormous amount of super-intelligent work done for each one of us every second of every day, don't be surprised if God gets a little angry if we give "evolution' the credit for all this work that He is doing.
Because "super-intelligence" (far beyond the capability of mankind) is shown clearly to be essential for building our cell-parts, and evolution has no intelligence to use, Darwinisms are now, in fact and in truth, falsified as the best explanation of the cause of life.
The potential benefits and values of this new life-science are numerous including improvements in food production, nutrition, medicine, physical and mental health, and more.
1 Cohen, I.L., Darwin was Wrong-A Study in Probabilities, New Research Publications, New York, NY, 1984, p.5.
2 https://www.breitbart.com/national-curity/2016/01/12/professional-atheist-dawkins-says-christianity-bulwark-against-something-worse/
In The Press
"The need for a super-intelligent force to create and sustain living things is well set out and without question. I also appreciated all the research that was done to demonstratethe historical importance and recognition of God in the nation lives of the four nations you selected." -- George Matzko, Ph.D.
"Darwin's Replacement provides credible assessment of the weaknesses within mainstream evolution theory, and proposes a reasonable, evidence-based alternative for the origin and development of life. -- Nicholas Comninellis, M.D
"There are only two possibilities for the existence of life: accidental or purposeful. Using science and mathematics,Atomic Biology proves beyond a shadow of doubt that life cannot be accidental. Then the book shows that the only being capable of the creation of life and its orchestrated maintenance is the historical Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Triune God of the Bible and our Nation."
-- Sharon E.Cargo, DVM
Your book demonstrates the amazing complexity of life, starting with even the simplest cell, and the numerous conditions needed to sustain life. That all this could be the result of blind, random evolution is highly implausible, andstatistically, virtually impossible. Hence, as your book concludes, this points to a super-intelligent Creator. Your book also notes that the USA, the UK, Canada, and Australia were all founded on submission to the Christian God, and urges those countries to return to acknowledging God, also in scienceclassrooms. I heartily agree with all this." -- John Byl, Ph.D.
"My recommendation would be to rework the book as a series of 1-to-2-page studies for adult Sunday school classes and/or Christian High School classes. It could be useful as an introduction to the topics, in that format." -- David Snoke, Ph.D.
"ATOMIC BIOLOGY promises to restore the true foundations of science back to the realm of observation. Current forays into metaphysical speculation and presupposition by 'experts' seem to have caused division, confusion, and misunderstanding in the scientific conversation." -- Jack Taylor, Ph.D.
- Author: Steven
- Created at : 2024-10-22 05:51:17
- Updated at : 2024-10-26 20:57:47
- Link: https://novels-ebooks.techidaily.com/210500296-9781999209780-darwins-replacement-summary-introduction/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.